Boblight and android notifications

Ever been in a situation when you are at home waitnig for important email/im/sms/phone call but someone else were studying or sleeping and you didn’t want to wake them up? I’m pretty sure most of us were there. Now, wouldn’t it be cool to “see” a notification as a big light behind your tv? It would. Read after the break for instructions how to do it.

First, you’ll need led string connected to boblight, or hyperion (hyperion tutorial is comming soon!) you can make yourself one, there are plenty of tutorials around the web, or order ready-made one on ;)

Second, assuming you have configured boblight/hyperion, allow devices from local network to connect to it.


Comment out line interface in /etc/boblight.conf it should look like this:



Uncomment (delete // in each line) this section in /etc/hyperion.config.json

"boblightServer" :

Install Bobdroid from google play store and configure it. Go to settings of bobdroid and put correct IP and SSID of your home network – it will save some battery when you are not around home. Flip Enable forwarding in Forward notifications seciton to ON. Change color to favorite one.

bobdroid configuration screenshot

bobdroid configuration screenshot

Then go to Android Settings -> Accessibility and under Services section turn Bobdroid on to allow it to receive notifications and forward them to your boblight. And you are done! I’m using it for about a day and it works well. Unfortunately you cannot configure color per application like in Lightflow but it is useful app nevertheless. Do you know about any alternatives? Some better uses for boblight? Don’t forget to comment and share.

Continue reading here: Configuring boblight on Open Elec

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