
LMS up and running? Just one step left to turn your raspi into the best internet radio.

If you looked closely what is in allthingspi package you may had found squeezeslave, but as LMS works perfectly with allthingspi package squeezeslave does not, so we have to do it different way.

Make a temporary directory for squeezeslave

mkdir squeezeslave

Pick a correct version from https://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/list depending on wheter you have soft float or hard float version. If you do not know which one to choose, you probably have a hard float version. Check it with uname -a command, if you have soft float your architecture will be armel, I have hard float version:

uname -a

Linux raspbmc 3.6.11 #2 PREEMPT Wed Mar 13 17:12:47 UTC 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux

Hard float version download:

wget https://squeezeslave.googlecode.com/files/squeezeslave-1.3-390-armhf-lnx32.tar.gz

If you get a below error you can use wget --no-check-certificate to skip checking site certificate , assuming you know what you download and you trust this site. Downloading Squezeslave from Googlecode is safe but use this option wisely in future.

wget https://squeezeslave.googlecode.com/files/squeezeslave-1.3-390-armhf-lnx32.tar.gz

--2013-05-18 18:14:35-- https://squeezeslave.googlecode.com/files/squeezeslave-1.3-390-armhf-lnx32.tar.gz

Resolving squeezeslave.googlecode.com (squeezeslave.googlecode.com)..., 2a00:1450:4001:c02::52

Connecting to squeezeslave.googlecode.com (squeezeslave.googlecode.com)||:443... connected.

ERROR: The certificate of `squeezeslave.googlecode.com' is not trusted.

ERROR: The certificate of `squeezeslave.googlecode.com' hasn't got a known issuer.


Unpack squeezesalve and copy binary to /usr/bin:

tar -zxvf squeezeslave-1.3-390-armhf-lnx32.tar.gz cp squeezeslave-1.3-390 /usr/bin/squeezeslave

Check if it works by checking avaliable outputs:

./squeezeslave -L

Output devices:

0: (ALSA) DigiHug USB Audio: USB Audio (hw:0,0) (11/46)

1: (ALSA) DigiHug USB Audio: USB Audio #1 (hw:0,1) (10/42)

As you can see there are a bunch of possible outputs, if you don’t have external audio card choose default, but I strongly recommend using external usb audio card, output from raspis jack is terible. I use fiio e10 (fiio.com.cn) and fiio d5 (discontinued but you can still find it in stores), superb audio quality for this price and no install required, just plug’n'play.

Download init script and copy it to /etc/init.d/

wget https://squeezeslave.googlecode.com/svn/squeezeslave/branches/squeezeslave-1.3-393/config/squeezeslave.init.debian cp squeezeslave.init.debian /etc/init.d/squeezeslave

Create defaults file for sickbeard, where you can override any option you like, below my defaults with configuration that should be sufficient for most systems.

nano /etc/default/squeezeslave


SSOPTIONS="-o 0 --daemonize"

SSMAC – find it with ifconfig command, this is mac of your active internet interface, e.g. wlan0 or eth0.

SBHOST – hostname or IP of your LMS instalation, you can install and use LMS and squeezeslave on one raspi without any problems, in this case type localhost there.

SSOPTIONS – I choose output device with number 0 and squeezebox to run as a daemon (background service). All squeezeslave options can be listed with squeezeslave --help

Now, run squeezeslave

sudo service squeezeslave start

And go to http://[raspi IP or hostname]:9000 or use Android/iOS application to play your favourite music.

Continue reading here: Making Raspi Visible - Hardened SSH Configuration

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